Coalition is no doubt already on the radar of Moscow-linked hackers and this move seems sure to attract more attention. Given the modern networked nature of war, and the way attackers typically view those defending their targets, a gesture like this can create real risk for a company trying to do the right thing (and perhaps also generate marketing buzz.) We wish good luck to Coalition, its customers and the Ukrainian companies it supports…and look forward with interest to see if other cyber insurance players follow suit.
Coalition Inc., the cyber insurtech company, said Friday it will provide cybersecurity and incident response advisory services at no cost to Ukrainian companies and to some international nonprofits and public interest organizations.
“Operation Nightingale has been launched to ‘mitigate the impact of escalating cyber risks for nonprofits and public interest organizations around the globe – and particularly for all such organizations in Ukraine, Coalition said.”
Source: Coalition offers free cyber, response services to Ukraine companies | Business Insurance