Per usual, a few items from the week. It’s a wide bucket for Sundays, cyber insurance, cybersecurity, and more. Some we reported on, and others we found interesting. Enjoy them and enjoy the day! Happy New Year!

- Palo Alto Networks Strengthens Cybersecurity Arsenal with Talon Acquisition, read it.
- Cyber Insurance Helps Hospital Recover from Hack & Identify Location of Stolen Data
- Oakland was hit with a ransomware attack in May and the fall out continues, along with what to us is a surprising, and positive, focus by local media on the city’s cyber insurance coverage.
- The New York Times with this interesting piece on cars, “Your Car Is Tracking You. Abusive Partners May Be, Too. Apps that remotely track and control cars are being weaponized by abusive partners. Car manufacturers have been slow to respond, according to victims and experts.
- Staying on the road this read from The Auto Channel, “Who spies on your car — other than you?” Upwards of 91% of Americans use a car to get to work. Cars are integral to the economy. Sentences like this one jump out at you, “Upstream, a company developed to combat such evil says four competitive car manufacturers, insurance companies and others are investors due to the necessity of cyber security; the industry lost an estimated $505 billion dollars 2019-2023.” Read it all here.
- The Wall Street Journal hit us with this, “Cybersecurity in the Year Ahead: Think 2023 on Steroids.”
- There is no shortage of healthcare hacks in the news; Health IT Security has a 2023 roundup, “This Year’s Largest Healthcare Data Breaches – More than 540 organizations reported healthcare data breaches to HHS in 2023, impacting upwards of 112M individuals.”